Thursday, March 18, 2010


What is technology? Technology is something that has become part of our daily lives. One of the technology i cannot live without is handphone. I cannot live without my handphone because without my handphone beside me, i will feel uneasy. Without my handphone beside me or not having it, i will feel like i have lost something important to me. The second technology i cannot live without is the computer. Computer allow me to play games and go to the Internet to find stuffs that i never learnt in school. It also allow us to know whats happening around the world. I say i cannot live without computer instead of Internet because without computer, there is no way you can go to the Internet. The third technology i cannot live without is Facebook. Facebook allow me to communicate with my friends easily and there are games for us to play. All the three things i have mentioned have helped us a lot. They help us a lot like improving our communication system. We can communicate with others even in other country easier,better and faster.

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